samedi 10 janvier 2015

[sérigital] The Big Bang Theory (S08E12) "The Space Probe Disintegration"

Dans le dernier épisode de The Big Bang Theory diffusé le 8 janvier, Sheldon et Leonard consentent à accompagner Amy et Penny faire du shopping. Ils se retrouvent à devoir patienter que leurs amies essayent des vêtements dans un magasin sans couverture réseau. 

- Leonard: Uh, I've got some bad news. There's no cell service in here.
- Sheldon: Oh. Well, that's all right. There were plenty of ways to pass the time before smart phones were invented.
- Leonard: That's true.
- Sheldon: I'll look them up. Son of a biscuit.
- Leonard: Sheldon, it's fine.
- Sheldon: No, it's not fine. What kind of store in the 21st century doesn't at least have Wi-Fi? I'm going to call their corporate office… Son of a biscuit!

En voyant cette scène j'ai d'emblée repensé au passage de Louis C.K. dans le late show de Conan O'Brian en septembre 2013. Il explique notamment pourquoi il déteste les smartphones. A l'évidence, nos téléphones sont devenus des moyens de combler les temps d'attente, d'ennuie, de transit. Et si une part de notre humanité relevait de notre capacité à ne rien faire. C'est l'idée défendue par Louis C.K. : 
"You need to build an ability to just be yourself and not be doing something. That's what the phones are taking away, is the ability to just sit there. That's being a person. Because underneath everything in your life there is that thing, that empty—forever empty. That knowledge that it's all for nothing and that you're alone. It's down there.

And sometimes when things clear away, you're not watching anything, you're in your car, and you start going, 'oh no, here it comes. That I'm alone.' It's starts to visit on you. Just this sadness. Life is tremendously sad, just by being in it…"

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